
BS Psychology MBA E-Business

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Creating a monster

I fear that I have created a monster. I mentioned in an earlier entry that upon request I returned to a student’s house one morning to retrieve something she forgot the first time she boarded the bus for school. Well, since then there has been a rash of daily requests from a variety of students to go back home to get something or another. Never more than one per day but it is clearly another one of those contagious events. Once you grant the first request it is hard not to honor subsequent requests without appearing to play favorites. I did deny one request as one that I thought unwarranted, but that is applying my set of judgments or ‘being judgmental’, as is the popular phrase today. I’ve never fully understood how being judgmental is all bad as that is something we all do all day every day but then there is a lot I don’t understand. At any rate I am going to have to figure out how to cut down, if not completely eliminate these return trips.


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