
BS Psychology MBA E-Business

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Because eighth graders haven't learned to ride the bus without yelling out the windows"

That is the answer I gave to a high school student who asked why the windows in the back of the bus had to remain closed. It is still an issue. After all the reprimands, threats, temporary seat assignments and counseling sessions, eight grade students still want to get on the bus then yell out to classmates outside the bus. They have not shown the ability to refrain from doing that. And I have not shown the ability to back off on that rule. It is a "mexican standoff". That's what we used to call it when I was a kid, when two people or groups stand toe to toe and strongly disagree, with no compromise in sight. Well they whined and cried all the way home about being hot and began to turn on each other about whose fault it was. Peer pressure. We'll see.


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